Légion Irlandaise - Napoleonic Wars

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Légion Irlandaise - Napoleonic Wars

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Légion Irlandaise - Napoleonic Wars

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    Message recuritment-fatguy

    Message par Invité Lun 7 Juil - 15:07

    The Irish Legion is a group of RP gamer by the period of the 1st Empire. nevertheless there some rules that each member must meet in order to cement the total group cohesion: I. Art .'s Irish Legion is governed by rules and principles military committed Each must respect and obey his superior live on the forum, Gaming, Team Speak. Art II. committed Each represents the Irish Legion wherever pseudonym will the regulatory TAG. committed Each must show respect for language on the forum, Gaming, Team Speak. This to members of the Legion and to others communities. Art III. Each is engaged in the forum to show reflection before posting a topic for both syntax, spelling the words he uses. (automatic checker underlines in red errors, right click on it and very quick to perform correction) Art IV. Each committed to spend at least 2 times per week on the forum to read the news. It will also be present on Team Speak and the game each workout and each battle(all official events) Legion. Only a valid excuse registered on the forum will be accepted . If everyone brings a little himself, we will be able to move mountains! Art V. Each commitment must respect these earlier chapters in their entirety. committed If the code does not respect the whole group to enabled, it does not belong to the Legion, and sanctions will be taken against him by the competent courts of the Legion.

    I understand to respect my officers and NCO's and also my fellow teammates and my strengths are mostly shooting and i have been in a french reg before the IVe and i was part of the 7e hussards and i will also respect for the language on the forum, gaming,team speak. i'll be very active since it's summer

    Message Re: recuritment-fatguy

    Message par Invité Lun 7 Juil - 15:36

    Hi, if you can follow this form to your recruitement, we'll be able to answer you :)

      La date/heure actuelle est Mer 8 Mai - 23:39